One of the reasons given in the GoF book for the use of the command pattern is to support undo. By recording the commands executed by a user, and giving the commands the ability to reverse themselves, a user interface can be designed to allow users to undo mistakes they make. For this post, I’ll talk about how this is done by extending the last version of the calculator to support undo.
There are three main extensions to rpncalc that enable it to support undo. The first is that I’ve broadened the Command
interface into an abstract class that supports operations for managing state. There is a new method, saveState
, that saves a copy of the globally shared state within the command instance itself:
abstract class Command
private Deque<Double> oldStack;
private Double[] oldRegs;
void saveState()
oldStack = new LinkedList<Double>(stack);
oldRegs = Arrays.copyOf(regs, regs.length);
There is also the inverse of saveState
, restoreState
void restoreState()
stack = new LinkedList<Double>(oldStack);
regs = Arrays.copyOf(oldRegs, oldRegs.length);
Taken together, these changes provide the two new fundamental operations necessary to support undo: Saving global state, in case an undo operation requires that it be restored at a later point in time. If the definition of global state ever broadens to include other variables, the change can be confined to these two methods. If there’s ever a more efficient way for a command to save state than a full copy, the change can be confined to these two methods. In this way the two methods provide an abstraction over the idea of ‘global state’. By adding methods (verbs) to manipulate global state, we’ve extended the language to allow direct statements about global state.
The next step is to use this new abstraction to implement undo. The first step is easy: each command needs to be modified to save the current global state before it executes. There are other ways to do this, but what I’ve done here is add a call to saveState
at the beginning of each command implementation. This is simple, and for a small program like rpncalc, it works well:
cmds.put("+", new Command() {
public void execute() {
Double x = stack.pop();
Double y = stack.pop();
stack.push(x + y);
Implementing undo is just a bit trickier. One way to think about undo is that it restores the state at the beginning of the last command that was executed. To implement undo in these terms requires that we keep a record of the last executed command.
Command cmd = parseCommandString(cmdLine);
lastCmd = cmd;
From here, ‘undo’ is a new command that restores the state at the beginning of lastCmd
cmds.put("undo", new Command() {
public void execute() {
Note that undo itself saves its own state. This makes undo a reversible operation: ‘undo’ can be ‘undone’.
To this point, we’ve developed the basic calculator idea around the idea of state contained in a collection of global variables. The methods saveState
and `restoreStateq provide a nice, verb-oriented way to hide the details behind state management.
This approach has a great deal of headroom, but it doesn’t take advantage of the capabilities of the language to logically group data into tuples. The next installation of this series will look into a way we can use a Java object to package our entire calculator state into a single object that can be manipulated as a whole. If this post introduced verbs for managing state, the next post will introduce the noun.