It never ceases to amaze me how much good material there is online. Here's some more:
- Olin Shiver's History of the T implemenatation of the Scheme programming language.
- Aubrey Jaffer has some interesting material on interpreter performance issues at his SCM site.
- Alan Kay's Early History of Smalltalk
- In 1994, Richard Stallman started a debate (flamewar?) on comp.lang.tcl with a post entitled Why you should not use Tcl. The Guile scripting language was the logical outgrowth of this.
- Kent Pitman has posted a bunch of his writings relating to Lisp and SCheme. Among other things, he edited the Common Lisp Hyperspec, which is an on-line version of the Common Lisp specification.
- Peter Siebel has written a book, Practical Common Lisp, and has gotten permission to put it online indefinately.
PS: Be sure to check out Olin Shiver's philosophy of undergraduate advising. It's an example to be followed. ;-)